There are a lot of paths you can take to becoming a great JavaScript developer. From CS degree-holders to coding bootcamp graduates and self-taught programmers, every breed is represented on the Kinsta team.

Skills You’ll Need to Start With

In this section, we’ll introduce the bare minimum we’re looking for in a candidate when it comes to technical expertise.

  • 2-3 years of JavaScript ecosystem experience. We expect you to have worked with JavaScript/ECMAScript in a professional setting for at least 2 years, utilizing related tools such as npm packages, git, webpack, CI/CD tools, testing libraries, etc.
  • A good working knowledge of React. Make sure everything in this React tutorial is clear to you, that you’re well versed in hook usage, and that you understand higher order components and state and lifecycle mechanics.
  • Hands-on experience with databases. We use both SQL (MariaDB) and NoSQL databases (RethinkDB). Understanding the basics of databases and accessing them with the help of an ORM like Objection is something you’ll need at Kinsta.
  • Experience using Node.js on the backend. There are many varied applications of Node.js on the backend. We require all candidates to be able to use Node.js as a tool for getting things done. You may have created API endpoints using Express for routing, a command line tool using Vorpal, or your own scripts for automating tasks.
  • TypeScript understanding. To get started at Kinsta, you don’t necessarily need a lot of TypeScript experience. If you’ve used strongly typed languages before, you’ll feel right at home. If you haven’t, we expect you to at least have worked through TypeScript basics and Everyday types.

Skills You’ll Need in the First Month

  • GraphQL. GraphQL is a query language that offers far more flexibly than standard REST APIs. We recommend that you read the Learn GraphQL section on their website. We don’t require this for an interview, but it does give us the chance to ask you what you think about GraphQL and how it compares to REST methodologies you may be used to.
  • Apollo. Apollo is the implementation of GraphQL we use. They have a great set of tutorials — we recommend you take a look at Lift-off Part 1.