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Kinsta Blog - WordPress, Web Development, & Tech Tools

Add Database

Learn how to add a database with Kinsta's Application and Database Hosting.
Reading time
2 min read
Updated date
August 13, 2024

Add Static Site

Learn how to add and deploy a static site composed of non-dynamic files such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on Kinsta's Static Site Hosting.
Reading time
5 min read
Updated date
July 30, 2024


Learn about the features of Kinsta's Static Site Hosting, where you can deploy sites composed of non-dynamic files such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Reading time
2 min read
Updated date
August 13, 2024

Static Site Generators

Static site generators (SSGs) offer an efficient way to build your static site to deploy at Kinsta. Learn more in this guide.
Reading time
7 min read
Updated date
July 17, 2024


When you host a static site at Kinsta, your site is served from Cloudflare’s Content Delivery Network (CDN). Read this guide for more details.
Reading time
2 min read
Updated date
July 17, 2024


Learn how to add a domain to your static site, add the www and non-www versions, and assign a primary domain.
Reading time
9 min read
Updated date
August 13, 2024


The Deployments page of your static site is where you can find deployment history and details, as well as the Build and rollout log.
Reading time
2 min read
Updated date
July 17, 2024

Environment Variables

Give the build process of your static site details from outside of your site’s code with environment variables.
Reading time
2 min read
Updated date
August 6, 2024


On the Settings page of your static site, you can find and manage your site's details and environment variables.
Reading time
4 min read
Updated date
July 30, 2024

SSL Certificates

This guide walks you through how to obtain, install, or transfer a custom SSL certificate for your static site at Kinsta.
Reading time
6 min read
Updated date
August 13, 2024

Get Started

Learn how to get started building and hosting your static site at Kinsta. Connect Kinsta to your static site repository and deploy.
Reading time
1 min read
Updated date
July 17, 2024


This quick start guide shows you how to set up a static site with VuePress on Kinsta's Static Site Hosting.
Reading time
2 min read
Updated date
August 21, 2024