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Articles by Daniel Pataki

Hi, my name is Daniel, I'm the CTO here at Kinsta. You may know me from Smashing Magazine, WPMU Dev, Tuts+ and other WordPress/Development magazines. Aside from WordPress and PHP I spend most of my time around Node, React, GraphQL and other technologies in the Javascript space. When not working on making the best hosting solution in the Universe I collect board games, play table football in the office, travel or play guitar and sing in a pretty bad band.

A Guide To HTTP And The WordPress HTTP API – Part 1

HTTP is the protocol that powers the web. With the knowledge of how HTTP requests and responses work you can utilize great APIs easily!
Reading time
6 min read
Updated date
March 13, 2024
Post type
WordPress Development

WordPress Database – How Sidebars Work

In this article we'll take a look at how WordPress widget areas, sidebars and widgets work on a database level.
Reading time
3 min read
Updated date
June 27, 2022
Post type
WordPress Development

Managing WordPress Development With Symlinks

Symlinks can be used to point a plugin or theme from one central location to multiple WordPress installs. This minimizes development and testing time.
Reading time
4 min read
Updated date
May 31, 2022
Post type
WordPress Development

wp_enqueue_scripts – How to Enqueue Your Assets in WordPress

Use wp_enqueue_scripts in WordPress to add your Javascript and CSS assets to your site while managing their dependencies in a modular way.
Reading time
5 min read
Updated date
November 24, 2022
Post type
PHP Function
WordPress Development

Using The WordPress HTTP API

The WordPress HTTP API will help you make HTTP calls a lot more easily. This is a complete tutorial about how to use it in WordPress.
Reading time
10 min read
Updated date
August 7, 2023
Post type
WordPress Development