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Articles about Kinsta

Venasnews: Kinsta is The Best Hosting Company for Websites with Heavy Traffic

If you have a WordPress website receiving more than 10,000 daily visitors, you better host with Kinsta.

The Sport Review: The speed of everything pretty much doubled after the migration, from loading and publishing posts, to all front-end requests.

Brilliant support, blazing fast set-up. We love that Kinsta is WordPress-only. It means we have faith that the support we receive will be tailored to problems with our specific platform, which wasn’t the case previously.

Jon Dykstra from Fatstacksblog: My Kinsta Hosting Review After 3 Months (22 Sites Hosted)

I’m still with Kinsta and couldn’t be happier.  It’s the first hosting service with which my sites, especially bigger sites are blazing fast.  I’ll explain how they helped me achieve this below.

Ghacks: Kinsta support is very knowledgeable about WordPress, and the time it takes to get a reply is Flash-like fast.

Ghacks recently migrated to Kinsta, due to their old hosting provider getting slower over time and their website sometimes not being accessible. It took less than two hours to move the site to Kinsta and switch over the DNS. In this post, they discuss their infrastructure changes.

WPShout’s WordPress Hosting Review 2017: The Results

"Their support is first rate. Every response has been within minutes, and every response has been clear and constructive. Support is the number one reason I love Kinsta."

CodeinWP: Use Kinsta if you run an established website with consistent, big traffic, and you simply don’t like surprises regarding outages, fails, and other fun things.

CodeinWP blog moved over to Kinsta a couple of months ago. In this post they reviewed our service.

Why Faster Hosting is More Important Than Scores

See why faster WordPress hosting is more important than a 90+ Google PageSpeed Insight's score.

CollectiveRay: Managed WordPress Hosting at Google Speed

If you're a speed fanatic, you can't really get any better than this!

Kinsta WordPress Hosting Review (2016)

Kinsta put on another marvelous performance across every single price bracket. For the third year in a row they earned Review Signal's Top Tier WordPress Hosting Performance award.

Lizz Ehrenpreis Wins Kinsta’s $1,500 Travel Scholarship

Lizz Ehrenpreis, who resides in Portland, Oregon is the winner of the Kinsta WordCamp US scholarship.

Kinsta Hosting Review: A Powerful Managed WordPress Host

Kinsta is a fantastic host to choose if your business relies on WordPress. Whether you started with a small blog, ecommerce shop or web development company, you’ll reach a point where quality is considered more than price and budget are.

Kinsta to Award $1,500 Travel Scholarship for WordCamp US – WP Tavern

Kinsta is happy to offer one travel scholarship to WordCamp US valued at $1,500.