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Articles about Kinsta

Kinsta Named Top Tier Again in 2016 Review Signal Benchmarks

Review Signal just released their annual 2016 WordPress hosting performance benchmarks and we are excited that Kinsta once again proved to be one of the best companies across all tiers! <blockquote style="font-size: 1rem;">Kinsta had essentially perfect LoadStorm and Blitz tests. They also had no flaws in any other tests.<strong> I'm at a loss for words to praise their performance.</strong> - Review Signal</blockquote>

TechCrunch: We’re meeting in Columbus on Wednesday

<p style="text-align: left;">We're happy to sponsor TechCrunch's latest meetup in Columbus, Ohio.</p>

How TheNextWeb works to make sure you love using our site

One of the main goals is to reduce the loading time of the site. According to a recent study, every one second extra loading time causes satisfaction to drop by 16 percent.

11 Ways to Accelerate Page Load Time Before Your Prospects Bounce

If an ecommerce page fails to load in under 3 seconds, it stands to lose nearly half its traffic. As a result, some of the savviest online brands now load in under a second.

Do People Think Your Ecommerce Business Name Is ‘500 error’? Upgrade Your Web Hosting Now.

A hosting solution should not only keep your website up and running but also bring in those coveted conversions.

5 Deadly Landing Page Mistakes Sabotaging Your Results

Sending paid traffic to unoptimized landing pages is like scarfing down a Big Mac on your way to the gym. You’re undermining your own efforts!

Why Mobile-First Is the Only Design Worth Your Investment

There are many advantages to starting from scratch when building an optimized website. But two of the biggest that affect conversions and SEO — your information architecture and site speed.

Biggest WordPress Hosting Survey to Date, Kinsta “Top rated WordPress hosting”

CodeinWP's first WordPress hosting survey had one goal. It was to name the top recommended hosting company for WordPress.

Why Speed is Now Your Most Important Feature

Make your website profitable by focusing on website speed today. Kinsta will make a significant different out-of-the box tools you need to fine-tune your site even further.

Kinsta – WordPress As You’ve Always Dreamed

Kinsta makes your life managing WordPress sites much better. It allows you to run things more smoothly. It’s safer, stronger, faster. Yeah, it’ll pretty much turn you into a Superman or Superwoman at running your sites.

2016 guide to free online SEO training courses

Speed is an increasingly important factor for achieving online success. Looking for a quick tutorial instead? Check out Kinsta's Beginner’s Guide to Website Speed Optimization.

6 Ways to Attract Return Visitors to Your Blog

Slow websites kill traffic. According to Kinsta, every one-second delay in loading time leads to a 16 percent decrease in customer satisfaction and an 11 percent drop in page views. Your visitors won’t be patient enough to return to a slow site.