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Articles by Ihechikara Abba

Ihechikara is a software developer and technical writer. He enjoys writing articles on web technologies, programming, and IT-related topics. Connect with Ihechikara on Twitter.

How To Fix “Uncaught Typeerror: Cannot set property” Error in JavaScript

The "uncaught typeerror: cannot set property" message in JavaScript can have several causes. Find out how to fix the error in this article.
Reading time
9 min read
Updated date
December 8, 2023
Post type
Knowledge Base
JavaScript Errors

How To Fix the “uncaught typeerror: cannot read property” Error in JavaScript

There can be several reasons for the "uncaught typeerror" message in JavaScript. We review all the possible causes and fixes in this article.
Reading time
7 min read
Updated date
August 14, 2023
Post type
Knowledge Base
JavaScript Errors

React Best Practices to up Your Game

Great React developers write clean code by following modern best practices. Here, we cover the top React best practices you ought to master.
Reading time
19 min read
Updated date
October 17, 2023
Post type
JavaScript Tutorials

A Guide to JavaScript HTTP Requests

In this tutorial, you'll learn the various ways in which you can make HTTP requests to remote servers and perform CRUD operations in JavaScript.
Reading time
21 min read
Updated date
November 6, 2023
Post type
Knowledge Base
JavaScript Tutorials

What Is npm? An Introduction to Node’s Package Manager

npm is the official package manager for the open-source Node.js framework. Learn how to use it and harness its potential with this tutorial.
Reading time
13 min read
Updated date
May 9, 2024
Post type
Knowledge Base
JavaScript Frameworks

What Is React.js? A Look at the Popular JavaScript Library

React is an open-source, components-based JavaScript library for building fast and dynamic user interfaces. We'll explain how to get started.
Reading time
16 min read
Updated date
July 11, 2023
Post type
Knowledge Base
JavaScript Frameworks

Master Tailwind CSS With Its Just-in-Time (JIT) Mode

Learn all the ins and outs of Tailwind CSS JIT mode, which is its Just-In-Time compilation feature. It's sure to speed up your development.
Reading time
8 min read
Updated date
October 26, 2022
Post type
Web Development Tools

How to Use Tailwind CSS to Rapidly Develop Snazzy Websites

Tailwind CSS is a powerful CSS framework that can cut down on your development time so you can focus on what's important.
Reading time
12 min read
Updated date
September 19, 2023
Post type
Web Development Tools