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Articles by Joel Olawanle

Joel is a Frontend developer working at Kinsta as a Technical Editor. He is a passionate teacher with love for open source and has written over 300 technical articles majorly around JavaScript and it's frameworks.

CSS Image Styling: Enhancing Visual Appeal with Style

Enhance visual appeal, create stunning effects, and impress your visitors with our comprehensive guide to CSS image styling.
Reading time
10 min read
Updated date
June 22, 2023
Post type
Web Development Languages

Understanding the useRef Hook in React

Dive into the depths of the useRef Hook functionality and best practices. Gain valuable insights into how to harness its full potential.
Reading time
7 min read
Updated date
July 11, 2023
Post type
Knowledge Base

Demystifying React’s useEffect Hook

The powerful React useEffect Hook allows you to seamlessly handle side effects, such as fetching data from an API or manipulating the DOM.
Reading time
10 min read
Updated date
June 13, 2023
Post type
Knowledge Base

How To Fix the “Objects Are Not Valid as a React Child” Error

Struggling with the "Objects Are Not Valid as a React Child" error? Check out this guide to learn how to fix it and some best practices.
Reading time
5 min read
Updated date
July 6, 2023
Post type
Knowledge Base

Getting Started With useState Hook in React

Supercharge your React app with useState Hook! Our beginner-friendly guide covers everything you need to know about managing state in func!
Reading time
9 min read
Updated date
July 11, 2023
Post type
Knowledge Base

How To Fix Gitignore Not Working

Explore the common reasons why Gitignore may fail and learn effective strategies to troubleshoot and fix the problem.
Reading time
6 min read
Updated date
May 30, 2023
Post type
Knowledge Base

How To Fix “React Hooks must be called in a React Function Component or a Custom React Hook Function” Error

Learn how to fix the "React Hooks Must Be Called In a React Function Component or a Custom React Hook Function" error with our guide.
Reading time
6 min read
Updated date
December 8, 2023
Post type
Knowledge Base
React Errors

How To Fix “JSX expressions must have one parent element” in React

Learn 3 methods of fixing the "JSX expressions must have one parent element" Error in React as well as what causes the error to begin with.
Reading time
6 min read
Updated date
March 14, 2024
Post type
Knowledge Base
React Errors

Mastering React Conditional Rendering: A Deep Dive

Learn how conditional rendering works in React and take your web development skills to the next level with our comprehensive guide.
Reading time
10 min read
Updated date
July 11, 2023
Post type

The Uncomplicated Guide To JSX Syntax

Learn all about JSX (JavaScript XML), a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows developers to write HTML-like code inside a JavaScript file.
Reading time
8 min read
Updated date
May 25, 2023
Post type
Knowledge Base
JavaScript Frameworks
Web Development Tools

What Is TypeScript? A Comprehensive Guide

Discover everything you need to know about TypeScript in this comprehensive guide, including its features, advantages, and best practices.
Reading time
18 min read
Updated date
March 13, 2024
Post type
Knowledge Base
JavaScript Tutorials

Jekyll Tutorial: How To Create a Static Website

One of the more popular static site generators is Jekyll. Learn how it works, and how you can create a static website with it in this guide.
Reading time
23 min read
Updated date
October 20, 2023
Post type
Headless CMS
Static Site Generators