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General WordPress questions

Browse our general WordPress related articles covering frequently asked questions to learn more about all things WordPress.

How to Export a WordPress Site

Learn how to export WordPress site from, from MyKinsta, using the built-in tools, or even manually with phpMyAdmin + SFTP.
Reading time
12 min read
Updated date
June 22, 2022
WordPress Tips

How to Change the Author in WordPress (5 Methods)

Learn how to change the author in WordPress in single posts, pages, how to change it for multiple posts (bulk editing), and the author archive slug.
Reading time
13 min read
Updated date
October 9, 2019
WordPress Tips

How to Fix the WordPress Missed Schedule Error (2 Methods)

Understand why the WordPress missed schedule error occurs and learn how you can fix it with our detailed WordPress guide. Never miss a schedule again!
Reading time
6 min read
Updated date
September 15, 2023
WordPress Issues

How to Export and Import Users in WordPress

Need to export users from your site and import them in a new one? Learn all the methods on how to do it in our in-depth WordPress export users guide.
Reading time
7 min read
Updated date
April 30, 2024
WordPress Tips

A Beginner’s Guide to WordPress Database: What It Is and How to Access It

WordPress uses a database management system called MySQL, which is open source software, and also referred to as a "MySQL database". Find out more.
Reading time
10 min read
Updated date
January 10, 2024
WordPress Tips

How to Fix 429 Too Many Requests Error

The HTTP 429 error is returned when too many requests are made to a page within a short period of time. Find out more about the causes and fixes.
Reading time
12 min read
Updated date
January 9, 2024
HTTP Status Codes
Website Errors

How to Remove “Powered by WordPress”

Learn how to remove the "Powered by WordPress" credits from your footer and update it with your new info or your own code.
Reading time
18 min read
Updated date
December 19, 2022
WordPress Tips

How to Duplicate a Page or Post in WordPress

Need to duplicate a page or post in WordPress? You can duplicate them manually, with a plugin, or with your own custom plugin (we show you the code)!
Reading time
16 min read
Updated date
October 16, 2023
WordPress Tips

How to Fix “Sorry, This File Type Is Not Permitted for Security Reasons” Error in WordPress

Learn two easy methods how to fix the "Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons" error in WordPress. Code or plugin - your choice.
Reading time
5 min read
Updated date
September 19, 2022
Website Errors
WordPress Issues

How to Fix Error 521 with WordPress and Cloudflare

Error 521 is an error message that's specific to Cloudflare. Learn how to fix it and get your WordPress site working again.
Reading time
4 min read
Updated date
March 19, 2021
WordPress Issues

How To Resolve the WordPress Memory Limit Error (2 Methods)

If you’ve reached your site’s maximum memory limit but you’re seeing the WordPress memory limit error, it's time to upgrade your hosting. Learn mor…
Reading time
8 min read
Updated date
September 15, 2023
Website Errors
WordPress Issues

How to Edit WordPress Code – HTML, CSS, PHP (Easy Guide)

WordPress makes it easy for non-coders to manage a website, but sometimes you might need to. Check out how to edit WordPress code: HTML, CSS, and PHP.
Reading time
9 min read
Updated date
October 17, 2023
WordPress Development
WordPress Tips