Articles by Joel Olawanle
Joel is a Frontend developer working at Kinsta as a Technical Editor. He is a passionate teacher with love for open source and has written over 300 technical articles majorly around JavaScript and it's frameworks.
The Uncomplicated Guide To JSX Syntax
Learn all about JSX (JavaScript XML), a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows developers to write HTML-like code inside a JavaScript file.
What Is TypeScript? A Comprehensive Guide
Discover everything you need to know about TypeScript in this comprehensive guide, including its features, advantages, and best practices.
Jekyll Tutorial: How To Create a Static Website
One of the more popular static site generators is Jekyll. Learn how it works, and how you can create a static website with it in this guide.
Unleashing the Power of JavaScript Spread Operator
Learn how to unleash the power of the spread operator in JavaScript. The easy-to-follow guide shows you just how todo that.
How To Fix “Switch is not exported from ‘react-router-dom’ in React” Error
This easy-to-follow guide shows you two ways to fix the attempted import error: 'switch' is not exported from 'react-router-dom'.
How To Fix the “TypeError: Cannot Read Property ‘Map’ of Undefined” Error in React
The frustrating "TypeError: Cannot Read Property ‘Map’ of Undefined” error can be difficult to debug. Here are 3 ways to fix the issue.
What’s New in Node.js v20 (Test Runner, Permission Model, SEA, V8 JS Engine 11.3)
Node.js v20 is now available. Take a look at what's new in this version, including Test Runner, Permission Model, SEA, and V8 JS Engine 11.3.
How To Fix the “React Hook useEffect Has a Missing Dependency” Error
Learn 3 different ways to fix the common error that developers encounter, the “React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency" error.
How To Craft a Stylish Static Website with Eleventy (11ty)
Learn how to use Eleventy to craft a stunning and functional static portfolio website without needing a server-side language or database.
What’s New in TypeScript 5.0: Declarators, Const Type, Enums Improvement, Speed, and Much More!
Take a deep dive into the new TypeScript 5.0 and find out what's new, including Declarators, Const Type, Enums Improvement, and much more.
How To Fix “React Must Be in Scope When Using JSX” Error (5 Methods)
Learn how to easily fix the “react must be in scope when using jsx” error using any one of these 5 methods listed.
Top 6 React Static Site Generators to Consider
Dive in and discover 6 React static site generators that allow you to generate a static website using React components as the building blocks.