Kinsta Blog - WordPress, Web Development, & Tech Tools
Kinsta Kingpin: Interview With Adii Pienaar of Receiptful
This is our Q&A interview with Adii Pienaar, co-founder of WooThemes about his latest startup Receiptful.
Kinsta Kingpin: Interview With Kiko Doran, Co-Founder of Prestige Conference
This is our Q&A interview with Kiko Doran, the co-founder of Prestige Conference.
Kinsta Kingpin: Interview With Joshua Broton
Joshua Broton is the former senior developer at Lemonly, and has recently launched his own consulting firm Broton Digital Consulting.
Kinsta Kingpin: Interview With Nikhil Vimal From TechVoltz
Nikhim Vimal runs TechVoltz, a product focused WordPress agency. This is our interview with him.
Is WordPress Code Really a Mess?
Some plugins and themes really do contain bad code and hinders, but is WordPress code a mess? Let's find out!
Kinsta Kingpin: Interview With Travis Totz From Modern Tribe
Travis Totz is the new Senior Web Strategist at Modern Tribe, one of the top agencies in WordPress. This is our interview with him.
2015 Year in Review – Kinsta Insights
2015 has been an interesting and very busy year for Kinsta in so many ways. This is our year in review post.
Why You Might Need a WordPress DevOps Team
You might need WordPress DevOps team. A developer operations team ensures your WordPress site works smoothly along with a multitude of other things.
Kinsta Kingpin: Interview With Kevin Ohashi
This is a Q&A interview with Kevin Ohashi the creator of Review Signal, one of the few sites on the planet that does honest web hosting reviews.
How Kinsta Saved Cyber Monday for Swagway
Learn how we saved Cyber Monday for by optimizing the site and providing high-availability WordPress hosting. 1888 orders on Cyber Monday!
10 Things Not to Do in PHP 7
With PHP 7 it's time to shed some of our bad habits. Let's take a look at some bad habits to get rid of as we switch to PHP 7.
How To Use the WordPress Register Sidebar Function
In this article we'll look at some ways to use the default WordPress register sidebar function along with some advanced tips.