Kinsta Blog - WordPress, Web Development, & Tech Tools
How To Create a MongoDB Database: 6 Critical Aspects To Know
To gain a better understanding of MongoDB, you need to know how to create databases in MongoDB, starting with the MongoDB Create Database command.
A Primer To Understanding Database Sharding
Understanding database sharding is key to scaling large web apps and websites. You'll also learn the different types of database sharding.
Understanding Database Technology: SQLite vs MySQL
Let's explore the differences between SQLite vs MySQL databases. They're both filled with unique advantages, disadvantages, and use cases.
React UI Components Libraries: Our Top Picks
There are plenty of libraries for React UI components. We've rounded up our favorites to help you pick the right one for your next project.
A New Era Has Begun: Kinsta Is the Cloud Platform for the Modern Developer
Offering Managed WordPress Hosting, Application Hosting, and Database Hosting, Kinsta is the compete cloud platform for modern developers.
Should You Use an In-Memory Database?
Reduce the latency of reading and writing data by using an in-memory database, which uses RAM instead of hard disk drives or solid-state drives.
Contain Your Data: Run MariaDB with Docker
Learn how to install MariaDB and Docker. You'll also explore how to connect a WordPress site with your containerized MariaDB database.
How To List MySQL Databases (Step-by-Step Code Tutorial)
Skill up your server administration by learning the ins and outs of how to list MySQL databases using commands in the terminal.
Polish Your Python Chops by Connecting Your App with WordPress
Learn how Python apps and WordPress can team up and talk to each other using WordPress REST API and Python's HTTP client libraries.
Responsive vs Adaptive: How To Choose the Right Design Approach
Are you trying to figure out whether responsive vs adaptive design will work best for your site? Take a dive into our detailed guide and see!
Top 15 Tools for Effective Website Traffic Analysis
Looking for the best way to measure and take charge of your site's traffic? We'll show you 15 tools for actionable website traffic analysis.
How Xdebug Can Help You Become a Better WordPress Developer
Debugging is an essential part of web development. This post shows how to use Xdebug. We’ll look at how to integrate PhpStorm with Xdebug too.