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Kinsta Blog - WordPress, Web Development, & Tech Tools

Site Management

In this guide, learn how to manage your WordPress site at Kinsta, including adding labels, renaming, moving, and deleting a site.
Reading time
8 min read
Updated date
August 13, 2024

Cron Jobs

Every site at Kinsta runs in a private container with its own crontab. We allow users to add server cron jobs. Check out how to create and manage t…
Reading time
3 min read
Updated date
July 17, 2024

Block IP Address

There may be times you need to block an IP address to prevent malicious behavior from bots & spammers. Learn how to identify & block IP Addresses i…
Reading time
7 min read
Updated date
August 13, 2024


Learn more about managing PHP for your WordPress site, including understanding PHP workers, restarting or updating PHP, or increasing the PHP memor…
Reading time
18 min read
Updated date
August 28, 2024

IP Addresses

Learn about your Site IP address (IPv4), the IP address for external connections to your WordPress site, and why a dedicated IP address isn't neces…
Reading time
2 min read
Updated date
July 17, 2024

Dedicated Server

How Much Does a Dedicated Server Cost? The short answer is it depends, but you can find out more about the process and all of the details in this g…
Reading time
4 min read
Updated date
August 6, 2024


Learn about migrating a site to Kinsta, including requesting a migration, how we handle migrating dynamic sites, and our migration process and chec…
Reading time
1 min read
Updated date
February 6, 2024

Kinsta Migration

When migrating your site to Kinsta, you have a few options to choose from depending on your needs. Check out all of the details in this guide.
Reading time
23 min read
Updated date
August 13, 2024

Duplicator Migration

All Kinsta plans come with one or more free migrations. But if you prefer to migrate your site yourself, we recommend the WordPress Duplicator plugin.
Reading time
8 min read
Updated date
August 13, 2024

Migrate Guru

All Kinsta plans includes one or more free migrations. But if you prefer to do it yourself, you can use the Migrate Guru plugin. Follow this guide.
Reading time
5 min read
Updated date
August 13, 2024

Domains and DNS

Learn how to add a domain to your WordPress site, add the www and non-www versions, and assign a primary domain.
Reading time
27 min read
Updated date
August 13, 2024

SSL Certificates

This guide walks you through how to obtain, install, or transfer a custom SSL certificate for your WordPress site at Kinsta.
Reading time
11 min read
Updated date
August 20, 2024