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Kinsta Blog - WordPress, Web Development, & Tech Tools

Search and Replace

In this article, we'll show you how to use the search and replace tool in MyKinsta effectively with tips and examples.
Reading time
6 min read
Updated date
August 13, 2024

User Management

Find out how User Roles work in MyKinsta, and how to add or remove users to your company or WordPress site.
Reading time
15 min read
Updated date
August 14, 2024

Database Access

Learn more about direct database access to your WordPress site and how to connect with tools like phpMyAdmin, HeidiSQL, Sequel Pro, and MySQL Workb…
Reading time
9 min read
Updated date
July 17, 2024


We provide daily WordPress backups, as well as system generated backups. You can also click on the "Backup Now" button to create a manual backup at…
Reading time
17 min read
Updated date
August 28, 2024

Must Use (MU) Plugin

The Kinsta MU (must use plugin) has been designed to work on our WordPress hosting platform. It handles our full-page caching and Kinsta's CDN inte…
Reading time
11 min read
Updated date
July 17, 2024

New Company

Kinsta uses companies to associate users and plans. With our multi-user feature, there are four different types of company roles to define permissi…
Reading time
2 min read
Updated date
August 13, 2024

Technical FAQ

We’ve compiled a list of the most common technical frequently asked questions about Kinsta in one place. Check out this guide for all of the answer…
Reading time
19 min read
Updated date
August 13, 2024

Configuration Changes

Sites hosted with Kinsta do not have a .htaccess file. Find out how you can replicate much of the important .htaccess functionality with the MyKins…
Reading time
2 min read
Updated date
August 13, 2024

Google MX Records

For your business email to work with Google Apps (G Suite), Google MX records have to be set up and configured for your domain. Check out this tuto…
Reading time
3 min read
Updated date
August 13, 2024

IP Addresses

Learn about your Site IP address (IPv4), the IP address for external connections to your WordPress site, and why a dedicated IP address isn't neces…
Reading time
2 min read
Updated date
July 17, 2024


Learn more about managing PHP for your WordPress site, including understanding PHP workers, restarting or updating PHP, or increasing the PHP memor…
Reading time
18 min read
Updated date
August 28, 2024

Block IP Address

There may be times you need to block an IP address to prevent malicious behavior from bots & spammers. Learn how to identify & block IP Addresses i…
Reading time
7 min read
Updated date
August 13, 2024