2235 results
Great Firewall of China and Google Cloud Platform (Is It Blocked?)
Is Google Cloud Platform blocked by the Great Firewall of China (GFW)? Check out how you can tell and some tips that may help when hosting your web…
How to Properly Run a Website Speed Test (You’re Doing it Wrong)
Many users run speed tests the wrong way, which results in bad data. Check out how to properly run a website speed test along with 13 awesome tools.
How to Issue a DMCA Takedown Notice (Or Handle Your Own)
Someone stealing your content or perhaps you received a DMCA notice? Check out our tutorial on how to properly handle or create a DMCA takedown not…
Kinsta Kingpin: Interview with Pavel Ciorici
Check out our interview with Pavel Ciorici, the founder of WPZOOM, a WordPress theme shop who creates professional and beautifully designed themes.
YouTube SEO: The Ultimate DIY Guide to Start Video Marketing
YouTube is the second most-visited site in the world, and you can take advantage of this with your video marketing. Check out this DIY guide to You…
You Need to Spend Money to Make Money (Here’s Why)
Never let the impulse to save a few dollars today get in the way of the long term success of your business. Don’t be afraid to spend money to make…
PHP Thread Recommendations for eCommerce and Membership Sites
Each hosting plan at Kinsta includes a certain number of PHP threads. We recommend running dynamic sites (eCommerce, membership) with 4 PHP threads…
Best WordPress Q&A Plugins to Stir Up Conversations
Looking for the right WordPress Q&A plugin? Here's an in-depth look at 5 of the most popular question and answer plugins to stir up conversations.
How to Configure SendGrid in WordPress to Send Emails
Having trouble sending emails? Check out our quick tutorial on how to configure SendGrid in WordPress to send emails. This is how we use at Kinsta!
A New WooCommerce Alternative – Hello BigCommerce
There is a new headless and comprehensive solution for WordPress Ecommerce sites. If you're looking for a WooCommerce alternative, check out BigCom…
Kinsta Kingpin: Interview with Radu Oprea
Check out our interview with Radu Oprea, the co-founder of tagDiv, a company that focuses on building amazing blog, news, and magazine WordPress th…
How to Undo Changes in WordPress (Revisions, Autosaves, Snapshots)
Learn how to undo changes in WordPress using a core feature called revisions. Roll back your content to any point in the past and undo mistakes.