An update to navigation within the MyKinsta dashboard gives Managed WordPress Hosting customers a single starting point to explore and manage our Premium Add-ons.

Now, you can navigate to WordPress Sites > site name > Add-ons to find all these hosting enhancements, see the current status of Add-ons already enabled for your site, and begin the process of adding more you might need:

A screenshot showing the new Add-ons page in MyKinsta.
Part of the new WordPress Ad-ons page within the MyKinsta dashboard.

The list of premium tools you will find on the Add-ons page includes:

  • Disk space: Add or remove additional disk space in 20GB increments without upgrading your hosting plan.
  • Premium Staging Environments: Create up to five staging environments with more resources than our free staging environments and the same number of PHP Threads as your live site.
  • PHP performance: Increase the PHP memory limit of your site to 512MB from the default 256MB. (Remember: If you have an Enterprise or Agency hosting plan, you already have a 512MB memory limit and the option will not appear on the Add-ons page.)
  • Reverse proxy: Have the Kinsta team set up an NGINX reverse proxy to serve multiple websites through a single hostname.
  • Redis caching: Speed up your website with a powerful, in-memory database cache.
  • Hourly backups: Increase the frequency of backups for your busy website.
  • External backups: Back up your WordPress site to Google Cloud Storage or Amazon S3.

Managing services through the Add-ons page

Members of your team with Company Administrator permissions in MyKinsta (and that includes the Company Owner) can add and remove premium services through the Add-ons page. Those with Developer and Service Level Administrator access can see the current status of Add-ons but cannot modify them.

Self-service is available for managing extra disk space, Premium Staging Environments, plus hourly and external backup. You will be able to add or remove those services starting on the new Add-ons page.

Below is an example of initiating the process to add disk space:

Screenshot showing a dialog for a self-service Add-on like extra disk space.
Adding extra disk space to an existing WordPress environment.

To change your site’s PHP memory limit, configure a reverse proxy, or manage a Redis cache, you’ll need help from Kinsta’s support team. From the Add-ons page, you can start conversations with a Kinsta team member to discuss adding these tools.

As an example, below, we’re reviewing the cost of increasing PHP memory before requesting a chat with a Kinsta representative.

Screenshot showing the step prior to initiating a chat to discuss adding PHP memory.
Reviewing pricing details before starting a chat with a Kinsta team member.

WordPress made powerfully simple

As an industry-leading managed WordPress host, Kinsta is dedicated to engineering new ways to make WordPress hosting and maintenance simpler than ever before.

If you’re looking for lightning-fast and secure WordPress hosting, check out Kinsta’s plans to find the one that fits your company best.