829 results
How to Speed up WordPress Comments
WordPress comments bogging down your site? You can speed up them up by both optimizing and lazy loading them so they don't fire on the initial page…
How to Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in WordPress
More and more people are migrating to HTTPS due to better security, SEO, and performance. Follow our tutorial on how to redirect HTTP to HTTPS in W…
wp-config.php File – An In-Depth View on How to Configure WordPress
In this tutorial, we show you all the basic, most common and advanced features you can define and edit in your WordPress site's wp-config.php file.
How to Implement WordPress Lazy Load on Images and Videos
Check out our step-by-step tutorial on how to implement WordPress lazy load on images and videos. This can help boost performance and save resources.
The History of WordPress, its Ecosystem and Community
An in-depth look at the history of WordPress the most popular CMS system. Who made it possible? What companies make millions with it?
Kinsta Inc. Service Level Agreement
Kinsta Ltd provides an industry-leading product and is pleased to support it with a Service Level Agreement (SLA). Click here for the details.
A Beginner’s Guide to Website Speed Optimization
In-depth website speed optimization guide that shows you how important it is to have a snappy website. DIY instructions and tricks to improve load…
Kinsta Kingpin: Interview With Bart Dabek of FlowPress
This is our Q&A interview with Bart Dabek, co-founder of FlowPress.
Why You Might Need a WordPress DevOps Team
You might need WordPress DevOps team. A developer operations team ensures your WordPress site works smoothly along with a multitude of other things.
Managing WordPress Development With Symlinks
Symlinks can be used to point a plugin or theme from one central location to multiple WordPress installs. This minimizes development and testing time.
How to Install Cloudflare on Your WordPress Site
Check out this tutorial on how to install Cloudflare on your WordPress site, along with the official WordPress plugin to utilize built-in features.
Should Startups Avoid Stripe? How We Got Our Account Back
Stripe emailed us that we're kicked out of the service, effective immediately. In the middle of the night. With no fair notice. What can YOU learn…