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2452 results

The Uncomplicated Guide To JSX Syntax

Learn all about JSX (JavaScript XML), a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows developers to write HTML-like code inside a JavaScript file.
Reading time
8 min read
Updated date
May 25, 2023
Post type
Knowledge Base
JavaScript Frameworks
Web Development Tools

What Is TypeScript? A Comprehensive Guide

Discover everything you need to know about TypeScript in this comprehensive guide, including its features, advantages, and best practices.
Reading time
18 min read
Updated date
March 13, 2024
Post type
Knowledge Base
JavaScript Tutorials


Kinsta automatically sets the PORT environment variable for your application and automatically assigns a port for your database's external connecti…
Reading time
1 min read
Updated date
May 14, 2024
Post type

Jekyll Tutorial: How To Create a Static Website

One of the more popular static site generators is Jekyll. Learn how it works, and how you can create a static website with it in this guide.
Reading time
23 min read
Updated date
October 20, 2023
Post type
Headless CMS
Static Site Generators

How to fix the MySQL 1045 error: Access denied (4 methods)

The MySQL Error 1045 typically occurs when you attempt to access your MySQL database through WordPress. Here are 4 methods to fix the issue.
Reading time
8 min read
Updated date
May 8, 2024
Post type
Knowledge Base
MySQL Error

Unleashing the Power of JavaScript Spread Operator

Learn how to unleash the power of the spread operator in JavaScript. The easy-to-follow guide shows you just how todo that.
Reading time
5 min read
Updated date
July 7, 2023
Post type
Knowledge Base
JavaScript Tutorials

How To Make a Link Clickable

Learn how to make a link clickable in various situations, like in the WordPress classic editor, block editor, and with special links.
Reading time
28 min read
Updated date
September 24, 2024
Post type
Web Design
WordPress Tips

A Complete Guide to Using WebPageTest (and Interpreting the Results)

Follow this easy-to-read guide for using WebPageTest and figure out how to make your website as fast as possible.
Reading time
12 min read
Updated date
April 30, 2024
Post type
Website Speed

Import a Repository From GitHub to Bitbucket

Kinsta's quick start repos are hosted on GitHub. If Bitbucket is your git provider, follow this guide to import a quick start repo into Bitbucket.
Reading time
1 min read
Updated date
May 11, 2023
Post type

Import a Repository From GitHub to GitLab

Kinsta's quick start repos are hosted on GitHub. If GitLab is your git provider, follow this guide to import a quick start repo into GitLab.
Reading time
1 min read
Updated date
October 16, 2023
Post type

How To Fix the HTTP 303 Status Code (3 Methods)

The HTTP 303 Status Code means that the redirects don’t connect to the recently transferred resource. Here are 3 methods to fix the issue.
Reading time
10 min read
Updated date
January 9, 2024
Post type
Knowledge Base
HTTP Status Codes

Authorizing Kinsta on GitLab

Learn how to authorize Kinsta to connect to your GitLab account.
Reading time
3 min read
Updated date
April 16, 2024
Post type