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Kinsta Blog - WordPress, Web Development, & Tech Tools


Find out all of the requirements needed to download and install DevKinsta. Choose the version appropriate for your operating system - Windows or ma…
Reading time
5 min read
Updated date
August 19, 2024


WordPress Analytics in MyKinsta can help you analyze your site. The reports include everything from resource usage, performance monitoring, and eve…
Reading time
19 min read
Updated date
August 13, 2024

Get Started

Learn how to get started with DevKinsta, your free local WordPress development suite.
Updated date
January 25, 2024

Counting Visits

A visit to your website is when a page or other resource is requested by a site visitor. Find out more about how we count visits at Kinsta.
Reading time
9 min read
Updated date
August 14, 2024

Kinsta’s APM Tool

Kinsta's APM tool identifies slow PHP code and MySQL db queries on your WordPress site. Learn how to improve your site performance with it!
Reading time
23 min read
Updated date
August 13, 2024

Uptime Monitoring

Find out more about how we monitor the uptime of all WordPress sites hosted at Kinsta and when we send site monitoring notifications.
Reading time
3 min read
Updated date
July 17, 2024


Monitor your Kinsta WordPress site with in-depth analytics, Kinsta's APM tool and New Relic Tracking. Find out how Kinsta counts visits and the upt…
Updated date
February 7, 2024


Find out how to identify any issues with your WordPress site through Kinsta, including performance issues and how to fix errors.
Reading time
1 min read
Updated date
February 7, 2024

Server Logs

Log files are available in MyKinsta and can also be downloaded via SFTP. Find out which logs can be viewed in MyKinsta.
Reading time
6 min read
Updated date
July 17, 2024

Speed and Load Testing

Website testing is a best practice for most developers and site owners. Two of the most common methods are website page speed testing and load test…
Reading time
1 min read
Updated date
July 29, 2024

Cloudflare Errors

Learn how to troubleshoot and resolve Cloudflare-specific errors such as 520, 521, and 1020 Access Denied.
Reading time
3 min read
Updated date
July 17, 2024

Server Errors

In this guide, learn how to troubleshoot and resolve 502 Bad Gateway and 504 Gateway Timeout errors on your WordPress site.
Reading time
6 min read
Updated date
July 17, 2024