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Separation Of Staging And Live Environments

Unlock powerful website management capabilities with the separation of staging and live environments. Restart PHP, switch versions, and more.
Updated date
July 10, 2023

Secure Generated Password For New WP Installs

We’ve made a small security update: An admin password is now generated for you which you can re-generate and copy to your clipboard on-the-spot.
Updated date
April 28, 2023

Plugins List In My Kinsta

Discover your site's plugin list with ease. View active/inactive plugins, versions, and updates from your MyKinsta dashboard. Exciting new feature!
Updated date
July 10, 2023

New Backup Features

You can now list your site’s internal backups via the My Kinsta dashboard. One backup is created daily and you can create backups manually.
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1 min read
Updated date
April 28, 2023

PHP Environment Control

Take control of your PHP environment on a site-to-site basis. Restart PHP and choose between PHP 5.6 and PHP 7 individually. Learn more now!
Updated date
July 10, 2023

Awesome New Install Options

Unlock new install options. Choose WordPress language, set up multisite, and automate WooCommerce installation. Experience flexibility and save time!
Updated date
July 10, 2023

Add HTTPS Credentials From MyKinsta

Easily manage HTTPS credentials from your Kinsta Dashboard. Add private key and certificate with just a few clicks. Enhance website security now!
Updated date
July 10, 2023

Full Page Cache Deletion From MyKinsta

A new “Cache Management” tools has been added to the site management section of the MyKinsta dashboard, used to delete your site’s full page cache.…
Updated date
April 28, 2023

We’re Using The Latest Ubuntu 16.04 On All Cloud Servers

Secure and optimize your network with the latest Ubuntu 16.04 on our Google Cloud servers. Discover the new features in our post.
Updated date
July 10, 2023

Multiple Payment Methods Now Supported

Simplify billing with multiple payment methods. Set up primary and backup credit/debit cards for seamless transactions. Check out our post for assi…
Updated date
July 10, 2023

One-Click SFTP Password Changes

We've launched a new security feature: One-click SFTP password changes. Our system auto-generates highly secure passwords and updates the system in…
Updated date
April 28, 2023