Save Money With Referrals While Sharing Your Love for Kinsta
With Kinsta Referrals, it's easy to recommend our platform to others and see a reduction in your own hosting bill when they become customers.
Persistent Storage: More Long-Term Memory for Application Hosting
Your Kinsta-hosted applications can now rely on persistent storage for data that needs to live on across multiple builds and deployments.
Continuous Database Optimization: Always Working for You
Our automatic database optimization for WordPress customers has improved. We now optimize continuously instead of weekly.
Introducing Kinsta API: The Power of Automation for Site Management
Unleash the power of automation and increase efficiency with the convenience of Kinsta API. Get started today!
Access Your Application Through the New Web Terminal
The web terminal gives you command-line access to the web process on your application so you can securely run scripts and read files.
Kinsta Application Hosting Now Deploys Bitbucket and GitLab Repositories
The Kinsta Application Hosting platform now supports Bitbucket and GitLab integration.
PHP 8.2 Is Now Available for All Environments
PHP 8.2 brings in a lot of new features and performance improvements and is available at Kinsta for all environments!
Run, Automate, and Schedule Your Tasks with Cron Jobs
Cron jobs allow you to schedule processes at specific intervals for your applications and enable you to automate repetitive tasks.
Boost Your Website’s Speed With New Early Hints Feature
Achieve the website speed you've always dreamed of with Early Hints. Learn how this new feature can revolutionize your site's performance.
Introducing New Hobby Tier for Application Hosting
Looking for a beginner-friendly hosting plan for your hobby website, proof-of-concept app, or other coding projects? Try our new Hobby Tier.
Scaling Made Simple: Introducing Database Resizing
Looking to scale your application? At Kinsta, you can resize your application's database at any time, even post-deployment. Learn more here.
Introducing a Pain-Free SSL Renewal Experience
To make life easier, we've eliminated the requirement to add new records when renewing an SSL certificate — without compromising on security.