Articles by Jeremy Holcombe
Senior Editor at Kinsta, WordPress Web Developer, and Content Writer. Outside of all things WordPress, I enjoy the beach, golf, and movies. I also have tall people problems.
How To Add and Manage Products in WooCommerce the Right Way (+ 10 Plugins to Help)
Learning how to add products to WooCommerce in the most effective way can save you time! Learn how to do it with and without plugins.
Responsive vs Adaptive: How To Choose the Right Design Approach
Are you trying to figure out whether responsive vs adaptive design will work best for your site? Take a dive into our detailed guide and see!
How To Create a WordPress Multisite With Different Domains (in 4 Steps)
Learn how to create a WordPress multisite using different domains. You can create a network of websites in a single installation.
What Is Docker: A Complete Guide
Docker is an open-source platform for developing applications in a sandbox. Learn more about it and how to use it in our detailed guide.
How To Schedule Posts in WordPress (3 Methods)
There's a lot more that goes into WordPress schedule posts than you might think. Here we explore all the ways you can schedule a post.
How To Create an Effective WordPress Workflow for Developers
If you work in WordPress regularly, you need a set to-do list for all dev tasks. Here we offer the ideal WordPress workflow for developers.
How To Sell a Domain Name: The Ultimate Step by Step Guide
Learn all about how you can sell your domain name with this ultimate guide that will take you through the process step by step.
A Complete Guide to Improving Your Localization Strategy
Learn all you need to know about improving and scaling your business’s localization strategy in this informative guide.
How To Build a WordPress Site Offline (in 3 Simple Steps)
Learn how to easily set up and build a WordPress site offline in three simple steps using DevKinsta to provide local web development tools.
How To Fix HTTP Error 407 “Proxy Authentication Required”
The “407 Proxy Authentication Required” error occurs when the server is unable to complete a request. This guide will show you how to fix it.
How To Redirect WordPress Users After Login
Here, we'll show you how to make sure WordPress redirect after login occurs precisely as you specify, step-by-step.