Kinsta Blog - WordPress, Web Development, & Tech Tools
How to Fix the WordPress HTTP Error (Uploading Images to Media Library)
The WordPress HTTP error can be frustrating as it usually occurs right when you're in the middle of uploading media. Check out these quick ways to…
B2B Lead Generation – 11 Tips and Strategies
B2B lead generation is hard. The key is finding a strategy that works for you by learning about your audience and how they interact with your busin…
Managing Multi-User Access in Your Hosting Account
Multi-user support allows you to work in a more secure environment. MyKinsta allows you to granularly control who has access to what in your hostin…
6 Best WordPress Ecommerce Plugins For Your Store
Many of us have heard about WooCommerce, but what about the other great WordPress ecommerce plugins? In this article, we'll talk about them all.
Kinsta Kingpin: Interview with Basilis Kanonidis
Check out our interview with Basilis Kanonidis; front-end developer at NinjaOutreach, where they use WordPress to help streamline influencer market…
Ad Blockers – Are They Affecting Your Income? (What to Do)
The ad blocking realm is quickly changing! Check out how third-party ad blockers and the built-in Chrome Ad Blocker might be affecting your income.
19 Proofreading Tips for Bloggers (Write Better Content)
Proofreading can sometimes be a drag, but if you don't do it you'll look unprofessional. Check out these 19 proofreading tips to be a better writer.
An In-Depth Look at the 7 Best WordPress Comment Plugins
Comments can be a great way to increase engagement and help SEO with user-generated content. Check out the 7 best WordPress comment plugins to get…
Is WordPress secure? Here’s what the data says
Is WordPress secure? Read this post for a data-backed look at how WordPress sites get hacked, and whether or not WordPress is actually secure.
What’s New in PHP 7.3 (Now Available at Kinsta)
PHP 7.3 is here and with it comes new features, deprecations, bug fixes, and a boost in performance. Check this in-depth overview of what's new in…