Maintaining an organized work environment is extremely important for productivity. Here at Kinsta, we are constantly improving the MyKinsta dashboard with tools to make your site management easier and more productive.
Today, we’re happy to introduce you to the latest new features: the new site labeling feature in MyKinsta, the new ionCube loader tool, and an addition to our free migrations list.
External Backups
In addition to snapshot and downloadable backups, MyKinsta now supports external backups as well.
With the new external backups add-on, you can back up your WordPress site to either Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage.

The external backup feature can be configured to automatically back up your site once per week or per month.
You can also choose to back up your files, database, or both. The external backups add-on is available for $2/month for each site, plus $1/GB for external bandwidth.
Here’s a sample price calculation for three sites using external backups.
- Site A uses 5 GB of external bandwidth: $2 + $5
- Site B uses 8 GB of external bandwidth: $2 + $8
- Site C uses 20 GB of external bandwidth: $2 + $20
For the three sites above, the total cost per month for external backups is $39.
For more information on the external backup add-on and how to integrate it with Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage, refer to this article.
Site Labels in MyKinsta
If you manage a large number of WordPress sites on Kinsta, keeping your list of sites organized is important. To help you organize your sites efficiently, we’ve updated MyKinsta with a site labeling feature.
Similar to WordPress’ categories and tags, this new tool allows you to assign custom labels to your Kinsta sites for easy filtering and categorization.

To learn how to label and organize your sites, check out our knowledgebase article.
Enable ionCube Loader in MyKinsta
If your WordPress makes use of PHP scripts protected with ionCube’s encoder, you’ll need to enable the ionCube Loader extension to decode and run the scripts. In the past, you had to reach out to our support team and submit a request for that.
Starting today, you won’t need to do that at all because we’ve made it easy for you to enable ionCube directly from within MyKinsta, where you now find the new ionCube Loader tool.
Simply navigate to your site’s Tools page and click the “Enable” button under ionCube Loader.

Free Migrations from WPX Hosting
To make it easy for customers to move to Kinsta, we offer unlimited free migrations from a number of WordPresshosts including WP Engine, SiteGround, and Bluehost.
Recently, we added WPX Hosting to the list. No matter how many sites you host at WPX Hosting, we’ll be able to move them all to Kinsta free of charge! Check out our free migrations page for more information on how to move your site from WPX Hosting to Kinsta.