Managing a portfolio of WordPress sites can feel like an endless juggling act for agencies. For starters, every client needs a unique setup. Then, they need regular updates, performance monitoring, and troubleshooting.

The complexity quickly ramps up. Add keeping all these sites secure and running smoothly — while ensuring resources are properly allocated — and you’re talking about a lot of hands-on work and intense attention to detail.

If you’re overwhelmed just reading through all that, you’ll be relieved to hear MyKinsta can take some of this work off your hands. Kinsta’s Managed WordPress Hosting dashboard is a flexible and powerful tool that can help you manage multiple sites efficiently. MyKinsta takes the chaos out of site management, letting you focus on what you do best — working on your business.

Here, we’re talking about why dashboard systems like cPanel lack efficiency and why a centralized dashboard like MyKinsta is such a great benefit.

Let’s dive in.

The problem with traditional hosting solutions (like cPanel)

When you rely on something like cPanel, you can face challenges that impact the performance and efficiency of managing multiple client sites. Using cPanel in a shared hosting environment, you’ll see resources allocated across all sites on a single server. This means a traffic spike on one client’s site could use up the available bandwidth, CPU cycles, and memory, leaving other sites slow or even crashing during critical moments.

Beyond performance concerns, security is another significant risk. With shared hosting, one compromised site can expose the entire server. This puts every other client’s website at risk. Shared hosting environments make managing multiple sites with high-security requirements a constant concern for agencies. And that applies to everything from ecommerce sites to membership sites. Any site that stores customer data is particularly at risk.

Traditional hosting solutions can lack flexibility. The need to manually configure server settings, manage resources, and troubleshoot across different environments creates inefficiencies. And as agencies grow and gain more clients, these issues become even more pronounced. There’s a limit to how much you can do in a day. This hinders scalability across your agency and slows down daily operations.

MyKinsta’s isolated container technology solves these problems by assigning each WordPress site its own dedicated container with isolated resources. This includes PHP, MySQL, and NGINX.

But what does this mean, practically speaking?

It means traffic surges or performance issues on one site won’t impact others. So, there’s reliable operation across the board. The added security from this isolation also means that if one site is compromised, others remain safe.

A centralized dashboard to manage multiple sites

Managing multiple client sites using separate cPanel instances or dashboards quickly becomes overwhelming. This means you’re constantly switching between tabs, having to remember different credentials, and searching for specific settings across platforms. All of this digital “running around” eats into valuable time and drains productivity.

Routine tasks like monitoring site performance or running security audits can become complicated when you’re carrying them out across dozens of client sites. What should be easy quickly becomes unmanageable.

Kinsta’s centralized dashboard simplifies this process. MyKinsta helps you manage all your client sites in one place. Say goodbye to multiple dashboards and different control panels. Say hello to a unified dashboard that gives you quick access to each site’s info. Performance metrics, security reports, backups, and settings are all housed in one place.

In the MyKinsta dashboard, you can easily add a new site, jump between sites, make updates, or pull important data, all without ever leaving the platform. This can save time and make it easier to manage a large client portfolio.

Screenshot showing the MyKinsta interface for managing multiple WordPress site.
Adding a new WordPress site in MyKinsta.

Achieve client transparency with site monitoring and reporting

Tracking the health and performance of multiple client sites is a common challenge for agencies. Manually gathering performance metrics, uptime data, and security reports from separate sources takes a lot of time. And since it’s a manual effort, that leaves room for mistakes.

Repeating these tasks across multiple sites can lead to delays in identifying issues or, worse, overlooking critical problems entirely. It’s not uncommon to end up scrambling through piecemeal tools to diagnose a client issue and compile a comprehensive report. This reactive approach doesn’t inspire confidence or build client trust.

With MyKinsta’s built-in monitoring tools, you can track real-time data across all client sites from a single interface. The platform automatically collects key performance indicators, uptime data, and security logs, making it easy to catch potential issues before they escalate. And since all this information is exportable, you can generate detailed reports for your clients whenever they’re needed.

If you need more in-depth monitoring, you can harness Kinsta’s APM tool to troubleshoot issues. There is no need for external tools like New Relic when you have APM built in. Just turn it on and off as needed.

Screenshot showing the Application Performance Monitoring interface in MyKinsta.
WordPress Application Performance Monitoring in MyKinsta.

This proactive monitoring system helps you identify and resolve issues faster. But it also means you can be fully transparent with your clients. Keep your clients abreast of everything going on with their sites, from performance to security. It’ll make you appear more vigilant (because you will actually be so), helping you build client trust.

Bulk actions and updates across multiple sites

Updating multiple client sites’ plugins, themes, or WordPress versions is time-consuming. It’s not just about the number of sites you manage — it’s about the repetitive nature of having to log into each site individually, locate the updates, apply them, and then test for compatibility issues.

Every update pulls your team away from more critical tasks like improving site performance or building new features. This process also increases the risk of inconsistencies, as even minor oversights can lead to vulnerabilities that compromise the security of a site.

To illustrate what we mean, imagine it’s Monday morning, and your team is looking at a long list of client sites, each requiring plugin updates, theme adjustments, or core WordPress version upgrades. Tackling these one by one takes a lot of time and leaves plenty of room for missed steps or delays.

This piecemeal approach can lead to inconsistent environments, where some sites are up-to-date while others lag behind. Some clients would be exposed to security risks for longer than others. Some might have performance issues. It’s a mess.

With MyKinsta’s bulk action feature, you can solve this pain point overnight. It lets you push updates or changes across multiple sites at once. Whether it’s updating a security plugin, rolling out a new WordPress version, or tweaking a theme’s settings, you can apply these changes to all your sites with just a few clicks.

Screenshot showing the dialog in MyKinsta for updating WordPress themes across multiple sites.
Bulk-updating WordPress themes across multiple sites.

This feature helps you apply updates consistently and reduces downtime, too. And since these update tasks take less time, you and your team can spend more time on high-value tasks like building client relationships, onboarding new clients, or building out new features.

Site cloning and staging for safer development

Testing updates or new features directly on live client sites is a risky move. In fact, you shouldn’t do it. Ever. Even minor tweaks can have unintended consequences. One moment, everything works fine, then you make a change, and the site is down. Now you’re scrambling to roll back the changes, all while the client’s business is impacted, and you risk losing customers or revenue.

This risk is magnified when you’re working with multiple client sites. The stakes are higher because any error can lead to downtime across several sites. And nobody wants to deal with that. Clients rely on their websites for business, and even brief periods of downtime can harm their brand reputation, revenue, and overall trust in your agency’s abilities. One misguided plugin update could set up a chain reaction.

That’s why MyKinsta is such an agency-friendly platform. It includes a staging environment to eliminate these risks. Instead of making adjustments directly on live sites, quickly clone a site and use the staging environment to run tests. Whether you’re testing a new plugin, tweaking performance settings, or introducing new site features, you can make changes safely, knowing they won’t affect the live site until you’re ready to deploy them.

And all of this is easily accessible from within the MyKinsta dashboard.

Screenshot showing the dialog for accessing and adding WordPress environments in MyKinsta.
Creating a new staging environment within MyKinsta.

Once you’re happy with the changes on the staging environment and confident there are no bugs or compatibility issues, deploy them to the live site with just a few clicks. This whole process ensures the client’s live site remains untouched during testing and reduces the risk of downtime or site crashes.

If something does go wrong in staging, it’s easy to identify and fix the issue before it impacts a client site.

It’s also worth noting that sites are automatically backed up before each deployment from staging as an extra level of precaution. That’s even more protection.


Managing multiple WordPress sites for clients can quickly become overwhelming without the right tools. From resource management to security risks and time-consuming updates, traditional hosting platforms struggle to provide the efficiency agencies need. However, Kinsta addresses these issues more with the MyKinsta dashboard, bulk action capabilities, staging environments, and real-time monitoring. These features can help you make a more efficient workflow, scale operations, and provide better service to clients overall

In addition to these powerful tools, Kinsta offers valuable agency perks like white labeling of the WordPress admin dashboard, free hosting for your own site, and a 30-day money-back guarantee. It’s a comprehensive solution designed to help your agency grow and thrive.

Are you ready to make site management easier? Try Kinsta today and experience the difference for yourself.

Jeremy Holcombe Kinsta

Senior Editor at Kinsta, WordPress Web Developer, and Content Writer. Outside of all things WordPress, I enjoy the beach, golf, and movies. I also have tall people problems.