External Database Tools
You can set up other applications like TablePlus or Sequel Pro to access your local site’s database. All the access information you need can be found on your site’s detail page in DevKinsta.

Create a new connection in TablePlus and select MySQL as the connection type. Add the following information to the form:
- The Name can be anything, but we recommend using the site name for ease of identification
- The Host should be the IP of your site found under Host in the screenshot above (without the colon and number at the end)
- The Port should be the port number under Host in the screenshot above (the number after the colon)
- The User, Password, and Database fields should be copied from the Username, Password, and Database Name fields, respectively.

Sequel Pro
Click on Quick Connect in Sequel Pro and fill out the form with the following information:
- The Name can be anything, but we recommend using the site name for ease of identification
- The Host should be the IP of your site found under Host in the screenshot above (without the colon and number at the end)
- The User, Password, and Database fields should be copied from the Username, Password, and Database Name fields respectively
- The Port should be the port number under Host in the screenshot above (the number after the colon)