Service Information

The service information area of our documentation includes information about Kinsta’s services and policies, including the following:

  • System Status: View the operational status for all data centers, our website, and MyKinsta.
  • Data Center Locations: See which data centers are available for each of our hosting services.
  • File and Database Storage: Find out what data related to your website’s visitors, files, and the database may be securely transmitted elsewhere.
  • Guaranteed Uptime: View our uptime guarantee backed by our Service Level Agreement (SLA).
  • Money-Back Guarantee: View our Money-Back Guarantee policy for WordPress Hosting.
  • Malware Removal: Find out how Kinsta can help you identify malware and repair your WordPress site.
  • Research Program: Find out how to join Kinsta’s Research Program to share your thoughts on hosting services, tell us about how you work, or test and give feedback on new features.
  • Affiliate Program: Find out how to join Kinsta’s Affiliate Program, where you’ll receive 5% to 10% monthly commission for the lifetime of a referred customer in addition to up to $500 one-time payment for WordPress referrals.
  • Referral Program: Find out how to earn credits by referring others to Kinsta with a special referral link through Kinsta’s Referral Program. 
  • Allowed Content: Find out what content types are prohibited from Kinsta’s hosting services.
  • Disclose a Vulnerability: How to disclose a security vulnerability and alert our team to the issue privately so we can respond to the issue and ensure our platform is secure and customer data protected.
  • Russian Accounts & Domains: This article explains why we cannot accept new clients from Russia at this time.
  • SOC 2: Find out more about SOC 2 and where to get a copy of Kinsta’s SOC 2 report.
  • Security Roles and Responsibilities: Explains the security responsibilities for the various aspects of Kinsta.

If you encounter anything not included in these documents, please let us know using the feedback options below.

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