Within Deployments, you can see where your static site is deploying from, including the branch, a link to the latest deployment, and if automatic deployments are enabled or not. If automatic deployment is enabled, the site deploys every time a commit is made to the branch in the Git repository. You can enable or disable automatic deployments in the static site’s Settings.
Static Site Hosting includes 600 build minutes and 100 GB of bandwidth per month per company. If either of these are exceeded, deployments, redeployments, and automatic deployments are disabled for the rest of the month. For more details, see the full list and descriptions of our Static Site Features.
To deploy the most recent commit again, click Redeploy.
Click Visit Site to open your static site.

Deployment notifications
You can set up email notifications to inform you when a deployment has failed within your username > User settings > Notifications.

In this section, you can see a list of all the previous deployments. You can also manually deploy the static site by clicking Deploy now.
If you click on any of the deployments here, you’ll be brought to a dedicated page that shows the Deployment details and Deployment progress.
Individual deployment details
If you click on any of the previous deployments, you’ll be brought to a dedicated page that shows the deployment log and Deployment details for that specific deployment. If the deployment fails, check the deployment log to identify where the process may have failed.
Deployment log
When you deploy your site to Kinsta, the deployment log shows each step of the deployment and whether it is successful or not. For example, you may see the following steps in the deployment log:
- Fetching source code from GitHub.
- Source code fetched successfully.
- Node version set successfully.
- Packages installed successfully.
- Build command succeeded.
- Static site has been deployed successfully.
If the deployment fails at any stage, the logs show an error message indicating why. Deployment logs are retained for 30 days. For information about how to troubleshoot the errors, refer to Troubleshooting.

Deployment details

This shows information about the deployment, including:
- The name of the Git repository and branch.
- The Commit ID, with a link to the commit at the Git service provider.
- Who initiated the deployment.
- The commit message.
- The deployment start date and time.
- The time it takes for the deployment to finish (Deploy time).
- The deployment type is either manual or automatic. Automatic deployments only occur if you have selected Automatic deployment on commit.
To redeploy the site from this commit, click Redeploy.