
We offer unlimited free migrations from all hosting providers for sites using standard WordPress installations. Kinsta customers can have websites migrated directly through MyKinsta by either sharing information about their current hosting provider or using a backup file.

If you’re migrating yourself, don’t worry, we’ve still got you covered with in-depth walkthroughs:

Migration FAQ

How long will it take to migrate my website to Kinsta?

We will complete your migrations as soon as possible, which could take up to 2 business days. If we believe processing your migrations may take longer, we will let you know at the time we receive the request.

Does my website need to be on WordPress to migrate to Kinsta?

Yes, your website must be a WordPress website in order to migrate it to a Managed WordPress plan at Kinsta. If you are trying to migrate a non-WordPress site, please reach out to our partner WordHerd, and follow up with our customer support.

Can I migrate my website from a backup?

Yes, Kinsta customers can have websites migrated by sharing a link to a backup file using cloud storage services such as Drive, Dropbox, etc., or uploading their backup file to an existing Kinsta website, whether it’s created with Duplicator, ManageWP, or cPanel.

How do I migrate an ecommerce site that changes continuously?

Sites that change continuously (ecommerce sites, membership sites, etc.) often require placing them into maintenance mode and careful scheduling to avoid data loss. Learn more about the full migration process for these sites within How Kinsta Migrates Dynamic WordPress Sites.

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