Add Site

Here at Kinsta, we use Google Cloud Platform to power our high-performance WordPress hosting infrastructure. This means you have access to 37 data centers around the world when launching your WordPress site on Kinsta.

Add a new site

To add a new Kinsta site, go to WordPress Sites > Add site > Create new site.

Create a WordPress site in MyKinsta.
Create a WordPress site in MyKinsta.

Next, you’ll be prompted to select the type of site you want to create. There are three options.

Select the site type you want to create at Kinsta.
Select the site type you want to create at Kinsta.
  1. Install WordPress: This option installs a fully functional WordPress site that is ready for you to use immediately.
  2. Empty environment: This option installs all the necessary software to run a WordPress site (web server, PHP, MySQL, etc.) but does not install WordPress itself. This is a good option for users migrating to Kinsta with Duplicator or setting up a Bedrock/Trellis installation with a custom file structure.
  3. Clone an existing environment: This option allows you to clone an existing staging or live environment to the live environment of a new site.

Make your selection and click Continue.

Option one – Install WordPress

The Install WordPress option includes several fields to customize your site. Here is what you need to know about each field. Click Continue after you complete the fields in each modal.

Site name

The name of the site will be shown in MyKinsta but won’t be visible to your site’s visitors. This will also be used for the first part of your site’s temporary domain (

Data center location

You can select a data center for each of your sites. This is where your data is actually stored and served from. We support 37 locations and recommend choosing a location closest to your user base as this will decrease latency, TTFB, and load times.

If you have a dedicated server, you can choose this from the list of data center locations.

WordPress site title

This allows you to set the site title for your WordPress site. Depending on your theme, it will be visible to your visitors in the browser tab and other places. You can change the site title in WordPress settings after site creation.

WordPress admin username

You will use this to log in to your WordPress installation. You will be able to add additional users later on. We recommend choosing something other than “admin” for the username for maximum security.

WordPress admin password

You will use this password to log in to your installation. We automatically enforce strong passwords to protect users. You can use the generate new password option (reload icon) if you want a new one. Here’s how you can change your WordPress password later on.

WordPress admin email

WordPress uses the admin email address to send important notifications.

Select a language

Select the language you would like to use WordPress in. You don’t have to write content in the same language as your WordPress interface, so feel free to choose your native tongue, even if you are writing content in English.

Install WordPress multisite

Tick this box if you would like to create a WordPress Multisite installation. Once selected, you may choose between a Subdomain and Subdirectory install.

Install WooCommerce

If you are creating an ecommerce website, WooCommerce is the most popular ecommerce plugin out there. Check this box to install it automatically.

Install Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is the most popular SEO plugin for WordPress, with over 3 million installs and a 5 out of 5-star rating. Check this box to install it automatically.

Install Easy Digital Downloads

If you are creating a site to sell digital products, Easy Digital Downloads is a complete eCommerce solution for selling digital products. Check this box to install it automatically.

Option two – Empty environment (Without WordPress)

The Empty environment option is helpful for users who need a blank environment for Duplicator migration or custom Bedrock/Trellis installation purposes.

Add a new site without WordPress (empty environment).
Add a new site without WordPress (empty environment).

Site name

The name of the installation will be shown in MyKinsta but won’t be visible to your site’s visitors. This will also be used for the first part of your site’s temporary domain (

Data center location

You can select a data center for each of your sites. This is where your data is actually stored and served from. We support 37 locations and recommend choosing a location closest to your user base as this will decrease latency, TTFB, and load times.

If you have a dedicated server, you can choose this from the list of data center locations.

Option three – Clone an existing environment

The Clone an existing environment option allows you to clone a live or staging environment from an existing Kinsta site to a new site. This installation option lets you make a copy of a site without the need for complicated migration plugins.

Clone an existing Kinsta environment to a new site.
Clone an existing Kinsta environment to a new site.

Environment to clone

Choose an existing live or staging environment to clone.

Site name

The name of the installation will be shown in MyKinsta but won’t be visible to your site’s visitors. This will also be used for the first part of your site’s temporary domain (

Data center location

The Data center location field is greyed out for this installation option because cloning is only possible within the same data center location. If you want to host your cloned site in a different data center, open a new chat with our Support team after the cloning process has finished, and we can move the site for you.

Completing the process

When you reach the final modal, click Continue. Creating the new site will take a few minutes, and you will receive a notification in MyKinsta when it is ready.

Add a new location

You are able to select a different location for each install/site you add. To do this, go to WordPress Sites, click Add site, and select the preferred data center in the Data center location field for your new install/site.

Google Cloud Platform server locations when adding a new site in MyKinsta.
Google Cloud Platform server locations when adding a new site in MyKinsta.

At this time, we have 37 global data center locations on Google Cloud Platform:

  1. Johannesburg, Africa (africa-south1)
  2. Changhua County, Taiwan (asia-east1)
  3. Hong Kong (asia-east2)
  4. Tokyo, Japan (asia-northeast1)
  5. Osaka, Japan (asia-northeast2)
  6. Seoul, South Korea (asia-northeast3)
  7. Mumbai, India (asia-south1)
  8. Delhi, India (asia-south2)
  9. Jurong West, Singapore (asia-southeast1)
  10. Jakarta, Indonesia (asia-southeast2)
  11. Sydney, Australia (australia-southeast1)
  12. Melbourne, Australia (australia-southeast2)
  13. Warsaw, Poland (europe-central2)
  14. Hamina, Finland (europe-north1)
  15. Madrid, Spain (europe-southwest1)
  16. St. Ghislain, Belgium (europe-west1)
  17. London, United Kingdom (europe-west2)
  18. Frankfurt, Germany (europe-west3)
  19. Eemshaven, Netherlands (europe-west4)
  20. Zurich, Switzerland (europe-west6)
  21. Milan, Italy (europe-west8)
  22. Paris, France (europe-west9)
  23. Dammam, Saudi Arabia (me-central2)
  24. Tel Aviv, Israel (me-west1)
  25. Montréal, Canada (northamerica-northeast1)
  26. Toronto, Canada (northamerica-northeast2)
  27. São Paulo, Brazil (southamerica-east1)
  28. Santiago, Chile (southamerica-west1)
  29. Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA (us-central1)
  30. Moncks Corner, South Carolina, USA (us-east1)
  31. Ashburn, Virginia, USA (us-east4)
  32. Columbus, Ohio, USA (us-east5)
  33. Dallas, Texas, USA (us-south1)
  34. The Dalles, Oregon, USA (us-west1)
  35. Los Angeles, California, USA (us-west2)
  36. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (us-west3)
  37. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (us-west4)
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