
Apache web server

Apache is an open-source web server software that plays a central role in the delivery of web content on the Internet. It is a widely used web server, serving as a platform for hosting websites and applications. Kinsta uses NGINX instead of Apache due to several benchmarks where Apache doesn’t perform as well as NGINX, particularly for static sites or websites with a high traffic volume. To learn more, refer to What Is Apache Web Server? A Basic Look at What It Is and How It Works.

API endpoint

An API (Application Programming Interface) endpoint is a specific URL or URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) that an API exposes for interacting with a service. It represents a specific function, resource, or operation in the API, essentially a set of rules allowing an application to share data with other applications. Clients can make HTTP requests to API endpoints to perform certain actions or retrieve specific information. To learn more about API Endpoints, refer to What Is an API Endpoint?


ARP (formerly Address Resolution Protocol) is a communication protocol used in computer networks to map an IP address to the corresponding MAC address of the physical machine or hardware. It is a fundamental protocol for the functioning of local area networks (LANs) to ensure that data is correctly delivered within the local network. To learn more about ARP, its uses, and security risks, refer to What Is ARP? How Address Resolution Protocol Works.


bbPress is an open-source forum software built as a plugin for WordPress. It integrates with WordPress-powered websites, allowing users to add discussion forums to their sites. It provides a lightweight and straightforward solution for creating online community forums, support forums, or any other discussion platform. For more information, refer to What Is bbPress? How To Add A Forum To WordPress.


A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a distributed network of servers in various locations worldwide. It enhances performance, reliability, and efficiency when delivering web content to users. WordPress Hosting on Kinsta includes a premium CDN powered by Cloudflare at no additional cost. For more information about CDNs, refer to What Is a CDN? A Guide to Speeding Up and Securing Your Site.


A Content Management System (CMS) is a software application or a set of related programs that enable users to create, manage, and publish digital content on the Internet. CMS platforms are designed to simplify the process of website development and maintenance, allowing users to manage content without requiring in-depth technical knowledge. WordPress is an example of a CMS as it provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to easily edit content visually, organize your content into categories and tags, use themes to control the design and layout of your website, and much more. To learn more, refer to What Is a Content Management System (CMS)?


cPanel is a web-based control panel that provides a graphical interface for managing and administering web hosting services on a server. It is used by hosting providers to simplify the process of website and server management, allowing users to perform various tasks without needing advanced technical skills. Kinsta uses its own WordPress hosting dashboard, so you don’t need to use cPanel when you host your website with Kinsta. To find out more about cPanel, refer to What Is cPanel? The Control Dashboard Explained for Beginners.


A Domain Name System (DNS) translates domain names into IP addresses. It helps to direct traffic on the Internet by connecting your domain name to a web server. When you access a domain name like, your device sends a DNS query to a DNS server. The DNS server involves a distributed network of nameservers working together to translate the domain name into an IP address; the nameserver responds with the IP address and connects you to the website. To learn more about DNS, refer to What Is DNS? Domain Name System Explained. For more information about Kinsta’s DNS, refer to DNS Management.


Docker is an open-source platform for developing applications in a sandbox environment. You can use it to automate your application’s deployment, scaling, and management inside a portable container. The containers are standalone executable packages with everything you need to run your software, including the code, runtime, libraries, and system tools. Docker simplifies the process of packaging applications and their dependencies. For more information, refer to What Is Docker: A Complete Guide.


Express.js or Express is a minimal and flexible web application framework for Node.js. It is designed to simplify building web and mobile applications with Node.js by providing features and tools for creating robust and scalable web servers. It includes a large ecosystem of middleware that extends its functionality. For more information, refer to What Is Express.js? Everything You Should Know.


File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet or an intranet. FTP is often used for uploading and downloading files between a client (usually a personal computer) and a server (a remote system). While FTP remains in use, more modern and secure protocols such as SFTP and SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) are often preferred for secure file transfers. SFTP is the only supported file transfer protocol at Kinsta; for more information about using SFTP at Kinsta, refer to SFTP. For more information about FTP, refer to What Is FTP, and How Can I Use It to Transfer Files?


Git is a distributed version control system (DVCS) designed to track changes in source code during software development. It allows developers to track changes made to their code over time. It maintains a history of modifications, making it possible to revert to previous versions, track the evolution of the codebase, and collaborate with others. Git is installed locallyand developers interact with it on their local machine. Some web-based platforms, such as GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket, use Git but host the code repositories in cloud-based storage, making it easier to collaborate with other developers. For more information about the difference between Git and GitHub, refer to Git vs GitHub: What’s the Difference and How to Get Started with Both.


GitHub is a web-based platform that provides hosting for software development and version control using Git. It serves as a collaborative platform as it holds repositories of code in cloud-based storage for developers to work on projects, track changes, and manage code repositories. It provides a user-friendly interface so you can use Git without having to use a command line and includes features to facilitate collaboration, code review, issue tracking, and more. To learn more, refer to What Is GitHub? A Beginner’s Introduction to GitHub.


HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language used to create and structure content for the World Wide Web. It doesn’t allow variables or functions, so it is classed as a markup language instead of a programming language. HTML provides a set of tags or elements that define the structure and semantics of a web page’s content. Web browsers interpret these tags to render text, images, links, forms, and other elements, allowing users to interact with and navigate web pages. For more information, refer to What Is HTML? A Beginner’s Guide.

HTTP request

An HTTP request is a message that is sent by a client, such as a web browser to a server to request a specific action or resource. When you visit a website, your browser makes HTTP requests to the server, and the server responds by delivering the data and files the site requires to load in your browser. HTTP is the protocol used for communication on the World Wide Web, defining how messages are formatted and transmitted between clients and servers. To learn more about HTTP requests, refer to What Is an HTTP Request?


The Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnected network of physical devices such as computers, sensors, vehicles, and machinery. The devices collect data, and the network enables them to communicate and share information. IoT use includes smart homes, manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, etc. For more information, refer to What Is IoT (Internet of Things)? Everything You Need to Know.


An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company or organization that provides Internet access services to customers. They connect individuals, businesses, and other entities to the Internet so they can access online resources, browse websites, send and receive emails, and use any other Internet-based services. To find out more, refer to What Is an ISP? Everything You Need to Know.


JavaScript is a programming language known for building dynamic and interactive web pages. It is one of the core technologies of web development and is supported by all major web browsers. JavaScript allows developers to add behavior, interactive functionality, and dynamic content to websites. To find out more, refer to What Is JavaScript? A Look at the Web’s Most Popular Scripting Language.


jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. jQuery simplifies more complex tasks in JavaScript, such as HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) interactions. The jQuery library is bundled with WordPress core, making it available out of the box to create dynamic websites. To learn more about jQuery, refer to What Is jQuery? A Look At the Web’s Most-Used JavaScript Library.


Localhost refers to the local server or machine that a user is currently on. In the context of web development and content management systems like WordPress, localhost is commonly used to refer to a local development environment on a user’s computer. Developers often set up a local server on their computer to create and test websites before deploying them to a live server on the Internet. When they install and configure this self-contained environment to run WordPress, the WordPress installation is accessible through a web browser using http://localhost or As the site only exists on localhost, developers can easily test it to ensure it works correctly before moving it to a live environment. To learn more, refer to What Is Localhost? And How Does It Apply to WordPress?


MongoDB is an open-source NoSQL database management system designed to handle unstructured or semi-structured data efficiently. NoSQL means it doesn’t use relational tables like a traditional SQL database. It stores data in a flexible, JSON-like format called BSON (Binary JSON), where the objects are known as documents. MongoDB is commonly used in many applications, including content management systems, e-commerce platforms, real-time analytics, and mobile app backends. To learn more about MongoDB and how to use it as your website’s database, refer to What Is MongoDB? All About the Popular Open Source Database.


MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) known for its reliability, performance, and ease of use. It is widely used for managing and organizing structured data and is a key component in the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python) and MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, Node.js) stacks, which are commonly used for web development. To learn more, refer to What Is MySQL? A Beginner-Friendly Explanation.


A nameserver is a type of server that is part of the DNS infrastructure. It stores and manages DNS records for domains, which translate domain names into IP addresses to help direct traffic on the Internet. When you enter a domain name in your web browser, such as, your computer needs to find the corresponding IP address to connect to the server hosting the website. Your computer sends a DNS query to a nameserver, and the nameserver replies with the IP address, which means your computer can now connect to the server hosting the website. For more information, refer to What Is a Nameserver? Why Are Nameservers Important?


Nest.js is an open-source framework for building scalable and maintainable server-side applications using Node.js. It is built with TypeScript and leverages JavaScript features to create modular web applications. It is used to build various applications, including RESTful APIs, real-time applications, microservices, and server-side-rendered applications. To learn more about Nest.js, refer to What Is Nest.js? A Look at the Lightweight JavaScript Framework.


Next.js is an open-source React framework for building web applications. It is designed to make it easy to create production-ready, server-rendered React applications with minimal configuration. Next.js provides features and conventions to streamline the development process, including server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and a file-based routing system. To find out more, refer to What Is Next.js? A Look at the Popular JavaScript Framework.


NGINX (pronounced “engine-ex”) is an open-source web server, reverse proxy server and load balancer. It is known for its high performance, efficiency, and scalability, making it a widely used choice for serving web content and optimizing the delivery of web applications. Kinsta uses NIGINX to power its hosting services as it often outperforms other popular web servers in benchmark tests, particularly for static sites or websites with a high traffic volume. To find out more, refer to What Is Nginx? A Basic Look at What It Is and How It Works.


Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment allowing developers to run JavaScript code outside the browser. It enables the development of scalable, high-performance web applications and server-side scripting using JavaScript. Node.js is widely used in various contexts, including web development, API development, microservices architecture, and building real-time applications like chat applications or online gaming platforms. To learn more about Node.js, refer to What Is Node.js and Why You Should Use It.


Node Package Manager (npm) is the default package manager for Node.js. npm is used to install, manage, and distribute JavaScript packages. Packages are reusable pieces of code or libraries that developers can use in their projects, including various functionalities, from utility functions to entire frameworks. Developers can use npm to streamline workflows and leverage a vast ecosystem of open-source libraries and tools. To learn more about npm, including how to install it, refer to What Is npm? An Introduction to Node’s Package Manager.


Nuxt.js is an open-source server-side rendering (SSR) framework for building web applications using Vue.js, a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. Nuxt.js aims to simplify the development process and improve the performance of Vue.js applications by offering pre-configured settings and a modular architecture. To learn more about Nuxt.js, including how to build a Nuxt.js application, refer to What Is Nuxt.js? Learn More About the Intuitive Vue Framework.


PHP is an open-source, server-side scripting language designed for web development. This means that PHP code is executed on the server, generating dynamic content before it is sent to the client’s web browser. The client receives the results of the PHP script rather than the actual PHP code. It is widely used for building dynamic websites, web applications, and server-side scripts, and the WordPress software is primarily written in PHP. For more information, refer to What Is PHP? How Is PHP Used in WordPress?


A pingback is a type of notification that one website sends to another when it links to one of its pages or posts. It is a method used in the blogging world to automatically notify other websites that they have been linked to. Pingbacks are a way for websites to communicate with each other when content references or links to each other’s content. To learn more, refer to What is a Pingback?


PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) known for its reliability, extensibility, and advanced features. It supports complex SQL queries, and different functions of SQL, like foreign keys, subqueries, triggers, and different user-defined types and functions making it suitable for a wide range of applications. To learn more about PostgreSQL, refer to What Is PostgreSQL?

Proxy server

A proxy server acts as an intermediary between devices (such as computers or smartphones) and other servers on the internet. If you use a proxy server, when your visitors make a request for a resource (such as a web page or a file), the proxy server forwards that request to the destination server on behalf of the visitor. The server then sends the response back to the proxy server, which, in turn, sends it back to the visitor. Proxy servers can provide anonymity and privacy as they hide the visitor’s IP address from the server; they can also be used to filter content, cache resources locally, and much more. To learn more about proxy servers, refer to What Is a Proxy Server Used For? (And How Does It Work?).


Pseudocode combines natural language and structured programming language conventions to represent algorithms, functions, and other processes. It is not an actual programming language; it allows developers to outline a solution in a more human-readable format so they can focus on the logic and structure of their algorithms without being concerned about the specific syntax requirements of a particular programming language. For more information, refer to What Is Pseudocode and How Can It Improve Your Programming?


React.js, or React is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It uses reusable components that make up parts of the user interface and its logic, so you don’t have to repeat code. For more information about React, including the pros and cons and common use cases, refer to What Is React.js? A Look at the Popular JavaScript Library.

Reverse proxy

A reverse proxy is a server or software component that sits between client devices (such as web browsers) and a web server. Unlike a traditional forward proxy, which handles requests from clients to external servers, a reverse proxy manages requests from clients to one or more backend servers. It acts as an intermediary between clients and backend servers, forwarding client requests to the appropriate server and returning the server’s responses to clients. Reverse proxies are typically used to enhance the performance, security, and reliability of the web server. To find out how to set up a reverse proxy for your website, refer to How To Set Up a Reverse Proxy (Step-By-Steps for Nginx and Apache).


Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is a secure version of FTP. It is a network protocol that provides a secure and encrypted way to transfer files between computers over a data network that uses Secure Shell (SSH) to encrypt the connection. SFTP is the only supported file transfer protocol at Kinsta; for more information about using SFTP at Kinsta, refer to SFTP. For more details about how SFTP is more secure, check out the difference between FTP and SFTP.

SPF record

An SPF (Sender Policy Framework) record is a type of DNS (Domain Name System) record that helps prevent email spoofing and phishing by specifying which mail servers are authorized to send emails on behalf of a domain. SPF is an email authentication method that allows domain owners to declare a list of authorized mail servers permitted to send emails using their domain name. SPF is one of several email authentication methods, and it works alongside DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) to enhance email security and prevent email-related abuse. For more information about SPF records, refer to What Is an SPF Record? A Complete Guide.


Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a standard security technology used to establish an encrypted link between a web server and a browser that ensures all data transferred between the web server and browser remains private and secure. SSL certificates are issued by trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) and are installed on web servers. When a web browser connects to a site secured with SSL, it checks the SSL certificate to verify the website’s identity and establish a secure connection. Once the connection is established, data transmitted between the server and browser is encrypted and cannot be intercepted or read by unauthorized parties. At Kinsta all verified domains are automatically protected by our Cloudflare integration, which includes free SSL certificates. To learn more about SSL, refer to How SSL Works and Why It’s Important.

Static website

A static website is a type of website that is comprised of fixed, pre-built files. These websites are typically written in HTML and may include CSS for styling and JavaScript for additional functionality, but the content doesn’t change dynamically based on user interactions or other factors. Static websites are generally faster to load because there is no need for server-side processing or database queries. The content is served directly to the user without additional processing. For more information about static websites and the difference between static and dynamic sites, refer to What Is a Static Website? The Absolute Beginner’s Guide. At Kinsta, you can host static sites for free; refer to Static Site Hosting for more information.


A taxonomy is a way of organizing and classifying content in WordPress. It allows you to group and categorize content types to make it easier for your readers to find related content. There are 2 main taxonomies:

  • Categories: These can be used to create a hierarchical structure with parent and child categories, such as a parent category called “accessories” with child categories “hats” and “gloves”. You can assign more than one category to a post.
  • Tags: Tags don’t have a hierarchical structure. Each tag is independent and can be used for specific keywords or topics. You can assign multiple tags to posts.

You can also create custom taxonomies for specific organizational needs. To learn more, refer to What is a Taxonomy? WordPress Taxonomies Explained.


Top Level Domain (TLD) is the last part of a domain name, for example, .com, .net, .org, or .io. They link your domain name to web servers and are an essential part of the Domain Name System (DNS), the hierarchical naming system used to identify and locate resources on the internet. To find out more about TLD, refer to What Is a TLD? Top-Level Domains Explained. To help you choose the right domain extension for your site, refer to What Are Domain Extensions? (And How to Choose a Domain Extension).


Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a more recent version of SSL. It ensures privacy and data integrity between a web browser and a website by encrypting the data transmitted between them. It provides security features such as authentication, encryption, and data integrity verification, helping to protect sensitive information from eavesdropping, tampering, and forgery. Similar to SSL, TLS uses digital certificates to verify the authenticity of websites and establish secure connections. TLS certificates are issued by trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) and contain information about the identity of the website and the cryptographic keys used for encryption. Kinsta includes free SSL certificates with TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3  already enabled, both of which are secure and supported by all major browsers. For more information about the difference between SSL and TLS, refer to TLS vs SSL: What’s the Difference? Which One Should You Use?


A trackback is used to notify another website that you have linked to one of its posts. It is a way for websites to communicate when one site references or links to content on another. Trackbacks are a form of acknowledgment and provide a means for content creators to see who links to their posts. Trackbacks and pingbacks are similar in purpose but differ in how they communicate. Trackbacks use HTTP POST requests, while pingbacks use a standardized XML-RPC protocol. Trackbacks can be susceptible to spam, and website administrators may need to use anti-spam measures to filter out unwanted or irrelevant trackback notifications; due to this, many websites choose to disable trackbacks and opt to use other communication methods, such as pingbacks or social media sharing. To learn more, refer to What Is a Trackback?


Time to Live (TTL) is a time limit for how long your computer remembers where a website is located. It is a setting on the DNS that determines the duration the website data is available on a network before the router clears it. When the TTL expires, the router needs to retrieve the information again to ensure you have the latest information from the website. TTL is also used on Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to cache data on the servers; this determines how long the CDN servers retain data for your website before retrieving updated information. To learn more about TTL, including how to choose and change your TTL, refer to What Is TTL (And How Do You Choose the Right One)?


TypeScript is an open-source programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a superset of JavaScript, meaning any valid JavaScript code is also valid TypeScript code. However, TypeScript extends JavaScript by adding optional static typing and other features that facilitate the development of large-scale and maintainable applications. For more information, refer to What Is TypeScript? A Comprehensive Guide.


A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a string of characters that provides a unique identifier for a resource. URIs are used to identify and locate resources online or in other contexts where resource identification is necessary. Both URLs and URNs fall under the broader category of URIs. They provide a standardized way to uniquely identify and reference resources, whether they are documents, services, or other entities.


A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a reference or address used to access resources on the Internet; it provides a standardized way to access and share resources across different devices and platforms. Web browsers use URLs to navigate to web pages, access files, or interact with various online services. For more information, including what makes up the structure of a URL, refer to What Is a URL? The Anatomy of a URL, Permalinks, SEO, and More.


A Uniform Resource Name (URN) is a specific type of URI used to provide a persistent and location-independent identifier for a resource. Unlike URLs, URNs only provide a unique name for a resource; they do not specify a location or how to access it.


WebP is an image format developed by Google to optimize your images, providing high-quality compression and fast loading times on the web. WebP images typically have smaller file sizes compared to other common image formats like JPEG and PNG. Find out more about WebP, in our blog post How To Use WebP Images on WordPress (Shrink Image File Sizes up to 35%).

Web scraping

Web scraping is the process of automatically extracting information or data from websites using software tools or scripts that retrieve and store data for further analysis or use. It is commonly used to extract data for research, competitive analysis, price monitoring, and aggregating information. Web scraping is a powerful technique for collecting data at scale, but it should be performed ethically and follow the website’s terms of service. To learn more about web scraping, refer to What Is Web Scraping? How To Legally Extract Web Content.

WordPress Admin Dashboard

The WordPress Admin Dashboard or WP Admin is the backend interface of a WordPress website, providing website administrators, editors, and other authorized users with a centralized control panel for managing and configuring various aspects of the site. It is the place where users can control content, appearance, functionality, and settings without needing to directly interact with the website’s code. By default, you can access WP Admin by appending /wp-admin to the URL of your WordPress installation, such as

In MyKinsta, you can access WP Admin from WordPress Sites > sitename > Info > Open WP Admin, or WordPress Sites > sitename > Domains > Open WordPress Admin. For more information, refer to What Is the WordPress Admin Dashboard?

WordPress excerpt

In WordPress, an excerpt is a brief summary or description of a post or page content. It is typically displayed on search results, archive pages, and sometimes in the post’s list view within the WordPress admin dashboard. The excerpt provides a concise preview of the content, allowing visitors to quickly understand the topic or main points of the post before deciding to read the full article. For more information, refer to What Is a WordPress Excerpt?

WordPress plugin

A WordPress plugin is a piece of software that adds specific features or functionality to a WordPress website. Plugins extend the core functionality of WordPress by allowing users to tailor their websites to meet specific needs, without the need for custom coding. Plugins can be easily installed, activated, and configured through the WordPress admin dashboard. You can also update your plugins and themes through MyKinsta within Themes and Plugins. Kinsta is optimized for reliability, performance, and security. Because of this, some plugins are not allowed or won’t work properly in the Kinsta environment. To find out which plugins you can’t use, refer to Banned and Incompatible Plugins. To learn more about WordPress plugins, refer to What Is a WordPress Plugin?

WordPress slug

A WordPress slug is a URL-friendly version of a post, page, category, tag, or any other content type’s title. Slugs are part of the URL, usually the part after the domain name, to identify and access specific content on a WordPress site. By default, every page on your WordPress site has its own slug, which you can set. Slugs are designed to be human-readable and search engine-friendly, containing only lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens, and not spaces or special characters. For more information, refer to What Is a WordPress Slug?

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